Comment & Analysis

Sin Cad a Tharlaíonn Nuair a Bhíonn An Patuaire i Réim i dToghcháin na Mac Léinn
Ba chóir do mhic léinn i gColáiste Ollscoile Bhaile Átha Cliath smaoineamh ar an gceannaire ab fhearr leo agus an reifreann ag druidim linn.

UCDSU is What Happens When Apathy Prevails in Student Elections
Students in UCD need to consider what kind of leader they want to take them into a repeal referendum.

Join the March for Choice to Ensure It’s the Last
Annie Hoey argues that we need to make a scene to keep the eighth amendment in the minds of the public.

Don’t Make Sex Complicated. Learn to Love Consent
Rachel Skelly, an organiser of the Halls consent classes, discusses why consent classes are both vital and valuable.

“Legal Advice” Can’t Justify UCDSU’s Decision to Remove Abortion Information from its Handbook
Senator Ivana Bacik argues that students' unions have been providing information about access to abortion for decades without consequence.

If We Want an Equal Society, We Must Fight Against Loan Schemes
Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin calls for students to march on October 4th for publicly funded education.

Níor Cuireadh Tús Tréan leis an bhFoilseachán Coimeádach nua i gColáiste na Tríonóide
Ba chóir don Burkean Journal cineál nuance a bheith acu má tá siad chun ainm Edmund Burke a ghlacadh.

Trinity’s New Conservative Publication Isn’t Off to a Promising Start
The Burkean Journal will have to be a bit more nuanced if it is to be worthy of Edmund Burke’s name.

Níl Gá le hOifigeach Nua Chun Ionadaíocht a Dhéanamh d’Iarchéimithe na Tíre
Is féidir le USI níos mó a dhéanamh ar son iarchéimithe na tíre, ach leis an dtaithí atá aige cheana féin, níl gá le hoifigeach nua.

USI Can Represent Postgraduates Effectively Without Outlay for a New Officer
While USI can certainly improve on its efforts to represent postgraduates, the union already has the experience and expertise to do so without establishing a new position.