Anna McNamara Taylor argues that anyone stuck in Dublin should use the long summer to upskill.
By Anna McNamara Taylor
Tá neamhaird tugtha ar argóintí ar son scéimeanna iasachtaíochta ó na hinstitiúdí triú léibhéal agus iad ag súil le níos mó fhéinriail, de réir cosúlachta.
Fervent arguments for loan schemes in the hopes of more autonomy now seem little more than foolhardy.
By The Editorial Board
It makes the right noises, but the plan comes too late for a sector that has learnt to cope without state help.
By The Editorial Board
Three Trinity students argue that pro-life views are consistent with a progressive approach to human rights.
Ní bhonn é méadú íseal ar thobhach reatha do chinéal lútáil, rud a chiallaíonn go mbeadh tionchar ollmhór ag na fostóirí ar thodchaí an oideachais in Éirinn.
Tar éis cúig bliana mar chuid den rialtas, ní dhéanann rún éadóchasach an phairtí sa tSeanad mórán chun aspalóid a fháil dóibh ina bpeacaí.
A minor increase in an already-existing levy is no justification for a kind of pandering that could see employers have a great degree of influence on the future of education in Ireland.
By The Editorial Board
After five years in government, Labour’s doomed-to-fail exercise in the Seanad does little to atone for the party’s past sins.
By The Editorial Board
Neale Richmond, who chairs the Seanad Brexit Committee, argues that Irish higher education is uniquely placed to benefit from Brexit.
By Neale Richmond