Tá bagairt spásanna sna hollscoileanna do Éireannaigh in UCD mar an fhianaise éadóchais is déanaí roimh ár n-ollscoileanna.
A threat to cap Irish places from UCD is the latest sign of the desperation facing our universities.
By The Editorial Board
Níos soiléire atá an deighilt idir dearcthaí na hóige agus daoine níos sine, agus tá guth na hóige níos tábhachtaí ná riamh.
The divide in attitudes between young and old is becoming more pronounced, making the youth vote more important than ever.
By The Editorial Board
Today's warning from UCD about cutting places for Irish students is arguably more important than the climb of Irish universities in the ranking tables.
By Simon Foy
Is gá do mhic léinn a ról i ndul i ngleic le hathrú aeráide a aithint.
Students must realise the role they can play in battling climate change.
By The Editorial Board
I margadh atá á smacht ag forbróirí phríobháideacha, ní féidir le hollscoileanna iostais a sholáthair go héifeachtach.
In a market increasingly occupied by private developers, universities cannot intervene as effectively to provide accommodation.
By The Editorial Board
Ní féidir leis an oideachas iomlanaíoch atá á soláthar ag ollscoile ar bith agus atá ag teastáil ó shochaí é féin a chur idir teorainneacha na nuálaíochta agus cruthaitheachta.