Comment & Analysis

Airdeallach faoi Iasachtaí, ach gan bheith Forchéimní go leor do Lánmhaoiniú, b’fhéidir go Ligfidh Varadkar Oideachas in Éiginnteacht
Laghdaíonn mianta Varadkar é féin a léiriú mar pholaiteoir forchéimní dóchúlacht scéime iasachtaí. Ach ní ionann sin is a rá go mbeidh oideachas saor in aisce cinntithe.

Wary of Loans, but not Progressive Enough for State Funded, Varadkar Might Leave Education in Limbo
Varadkar’s desire to be taken seriously as a progressive politician makes loans less likely. But that doesn’t mean free education is a certainty.

Chun Tionchar a Thabhairt do Mhic Léinn sa Reifreann seo, Caithfimid Tús a Chur Leis an Obair Láithreach
Nuair a fhógraíodh an reifreann, luasghéaraigh obair na mac léinn ar son comhionannas pósta. Tá an rud céanna ag teastáil sa vótáil ar an ochtú leasú i 2018.

For Students to be Influential in the Repeal Referendum, Work Needs to Start Now
Once the referendum was called, students’ work for marriage equality accelerated. We need the same before 2018’s eighth amendment vote.

Bruton has Listened and Learned from Universities and Students. Now he Must Act.
In a sector that now has two heads to lobby, Bruton and Mitchell O’Connor should do more than listen.

Activists Unite, it’s Time to Organise
Cillian Crosson, of Fossil Free TCD, discusses the value of activist training ahead of this year’s People & Planet training camp.

Tá Tubaiste a Rinne an Rialtas Roimh Ollscoileanna agus Mic Léinn
Tá bagairt spásanna sna hollscoileanna do Éireannaigh in UCD mar an fhianaise éadóchais is déanaí roimh ár n-ollscoileanna.

Universities and Students are Facing a Perfect Storm of the Government’s Making
A threat to cap Irish places from UCD is the latest sign of the desperation facing our universities.

Caithfidh Vótóirí Óige Cor Cinniúna a Dhéanamh de Thoradh an Ollthoghcháin
Níos soiléire atá an deighilt idir dearcthaí na hóige agus daoine níos sine, agus tá guth na hóige níos tábhachtaí ná riamh.

UK General Election Needs to be Watershed Moment for the Youth Vote
The divide in attitudes between young and old is becoming more pronounced, making the youth vote more important than ever.