Comment & Analysis

Free Education, Considering its Supporters, Doesn’t Deserve Politicians’ Scepticism
There are few proposals so widely supported, yet still treated as peripheral, than free education.

Why I Can’t Support a Student Loan Scheme
Carol Nolan, Sinn Féin education spokesperson and a member of the committee considering higher education funding, on the serious flaws in loan schemes.

Concerns Over Loan Schemes Cannot go Unaddressed
The deep concerns over the feasibility of income-contingent loan schemes raised this week must be looked at seriously, and urgently.

Exams May Seem like a Means to an End, but What They Stand For is Increasingly Important
The end goal of revision is not to regurgitate info – but to engage with ideas and defend the academic freedom that is so essential to critical thought.

Citizens’ Assembly Vote is an Important Vindication of Human Rights for Women and Girls
Many political and media commentators seek to paint the issue of abortion as controversial or divisive. It is not.

Academics and the Freedom to Express Controversial Opinions
Dr David Landy argues, in light of Trinity's upcoming conference on academic freedom, that it is universities' duty to discuss and shed light on controversial topics.

Agus Sluaite ag Dul ar Imirce, Ní Mór an t-Ionadh atá i bhFaillí an HSE
Níl ach sampla eile den éagóir a dhéantar do mhic léinn, altraí agus cnáimhsigh i bhfaillí an HSE mic léinn a mhealladh le todhchaí in Éirinn.

After Years of Reports, HSE Failings with Student Nurses and Midwives is Unsurprising
That the HSE is failing to entice students to remain in Ireland is just another example of Ireland’s students, nurses and midwives being let down.

A Year in Halls: Friends, Memories and Stories that will Endure
A farewell ode to Trinity Hall, from its vomit-laced sinks to its community and camaraderie.

This as a New Beginning for Science
Trinity's Professor of Biochemistry on what drove a normally laboratory-bound community on to the streets in support of science.