Comment & Analysis

The Race to be Ireland’s Top Business School
Kate Lawler assesses the challenges that Trinity faces if it's to become home to Ireland's best business school.

Agus Céimeanna Ealaíona á Leasaú, Ní Cheart go mBeadh an Bhéim ar Infhostaitheacht Amháin
Cé go bhfuil athuachan cúrsaí tábhachtach, is gá smaoineamh go níos forleithne, ar shaghsanna fostaíochta neamhthraidisiúnta chun foinsí athraithe eile a aimsiú.

In Reforming Arts Degrees, Improving Employability Shouldn’t Overtake the Degree’s Purpose
UCD's changes to arts degrees should recognise employability as an added bonus for students, not as the central focus of the degree.

Déánann Dearcadh Chomhairle Cathrach faoi DIT Tuirbíní Gaoithe de Mhic Léinn
Nochtann buairt ón gComhairle Cathrach agus ó mhuintir na háite faoi fhorbairtí i nGráinseach Ghormáin dearcadh achrannach i dtreo iostais do mhic léinn.

Responsibility, Flexibility and Experience: What I Learned Working at a Startup
Rejecting the stability of big companies, one former student found that working for a startup meant new knowledge, new experiences and more responsibility.

A Foreigner’s Perspective on Abortion in Ireland
Julie Irigaray discusses what it's like to experience Ireland as student coming from a country where abortion has been legal for decades.

I Learned About Consent in School Aged Nine. We Need a Greater Dialogue in Ireland
Terms like rape and consent were introduced into the class discussion in a matter-of-fact way that allowed the topic to be normalised and understood.

The Political Science Professor Leading Research and The Next Generation to A Bright Future
Prof Raj Chari on bringing science into politics, why Trinity students are the smartest and why he starts every lecture with a political song.

This Referendum is Chance for Students to Claim Their Own Space in Trinity
With students voting this week, TCDSU President, Kieran McNulty, outlines the case for a student centre and new student spaces in Trinity.

Colleges Fighting a Sexual Assault Epidemic
Ellen Orchard explores where strategies to prevent sexual harassment in college currently stand, examining the effectiveness of both preventative and post-assault strategies.