Comment & Analysis


An Education Race Focused on Experience and the Challenges Facing Trinity

In an interview with The University Times, this year's candidate discusses representing students and the academic challenges in College.
By Patrick Lavelle

With Research and Funding, Greater Attention Should be Given to Minority Illnesses

Yasmine Tadjine argues that more research funding and charitable donations should be given to less well-known illnesses.
By Yasmine Tadjine

Presidential Candidates Focus on Representation, Empowerment and Access to Education Ahead of Race

In interviews with The University Times, candidates discuss balancing College issues with national ones and engaging with students.
By John Conway

The Ambitious Scientific Leader Embracing Art and Creating New Perspectives

Director of the CONNECT research centre and Professor of Engineering and the Arts, Linda Doyle, on combining her passion for science and the arts.
By Kathleen McNamee

The Art of Protesting Still has the Ability to Effect Great Change

Protesting is often maligned as being unconstructive. Recent examples in Trinity and further afield prove its worth.
By James Shaw

No, College Tribune, That Wasn’t Plagiarism in Trinity News

The College Tribune yesterday reported that Trinity News apologised for plagiarising articles from UCD newspapers.
By Edmund Heaphy

Social Media Detoxes are Difficult Because We Depend on Online Platforms in an Irreversible Way

Ellen Orchard examines the way in which social media is both a damaging and an essential component of the world today, making stepping away from it difficult
By Ellen Orchard

Nochtann Conartha Sealadacha i gColáiste na Tríonóide Ceisteanna faoi Fhéinriail na n-Ollscoileanna

Ní cheart go mbeadh trualach rialacháin ar ollscoileanna, ach ní ionann féinriail agus caitheamh le baill forine go holc.

Temporary Contracts in Trinity Raise Questions Over University Autonomy

Universities shouldn’t be burdened by regulation, but autonomy isn’t a right to treat staff poorly.
By The Editorial Board

Ba Cheart go mBainfeadh Bunscoileanna “Bacainne Baiste” agus an CAO Neamhphearsanta Ceachtanna as a Chéile

Ag céimeanna éagsúla, déanann córas oideachais na hÉireann uimhir d’fhéiniúlachtaí iarrthóirí nó thugann sé a aird iomlán ar a gcreideamh.