Comment & Analysis

With the Communications & Marketing Role, Seeking Informed Students and Reliable Income
In an interview with The University Times, the candidate highlights the need to increase awareness of union activities and helping to define a relatively new position.

Ní Thuillfidh Athrú Stephen Donnelly go Fianna Fáil Meas Daoine Óga
Cé nach ann sin ach sampla eile de pholaiteoir ag cur díomá orainne, is dócha go bhfuil geit níos mó bainte as an tír de bharr díograise Donnelly a tharraing aird taobh amuigh dá dháilcheantar.

Ba Cheart go mBeadh an Tosaíocht ar Fheabhsú Aschuir Taighde, agus i bhfad ó Mhéadú Iomaíochta Inmheánaí
Ní gá go nglacfaimis le córas a churfeadh comhghleacaithe in iomaíocht i gcoinne a chéile agus a dhéanann neamhaird ar an obair a dhéanann acadóirí.

Stephen Donnelly’s Switch to Fianna Fáil will not Endear Disillusioned Young People
Stephen Donnelly seems to have shocked the country, perhaps because his enthusiasm and passion for his cause had captured attention beyond his constituency.

Improving Research Output Should be Prioritised. Increasing Internal Competition Should Not
A system that would cause colleagues to directly compete and that ignores much of what academics do is not one that we should adopt.

For Welfare Candidates, Compassion in the Role is Key
In one of the two contested races, the five candidates speak to The University Times on the need for empathy and their very personal reasons for running.

Inequality is Rising and More Needs to be Done to Tackle It
Seán Barret argues that inequality is rising, and the education system needs to be the one that tackles it.

Students’ Hostility Towards Free Speech Has Gone Too Far
In an age when rightwing populism is on the rise, the answer is not to censor it but to counter it with better arguments.

An Education Race Focused on Experience and the Challenges Facing Trinity
In an interview with The University Times, this year's candidate discusses representing students and the academic challenges in College.

With Research and Funding, Greater Attention Should be Given to Minority Illnesses
Yasmine Tadjine argues that more research funding and charitable donations should be given to less well-known illnesses.