Comment & Analysis


For Students With Disabilities, Not Enough Representation on the Issues That Affect Them

Ruairí Meyler argues that not enough is being done for students with disabilities inside of Trinity's walls.
By Ruairí Meyler

Zero-Hour Contracts Impact Negatively on Students and the Wider Workforce

James Shaw argues that zero-hour contracts are a detriment to students and examines alternative contracts that could benefit both employers and employees.
By James Shaw

The Laughs, Loans and Lectures in Going From First Year to Final Year

Anna Moran discusses the frustrations and loneliness of her first weeks in college, and how Trinity's services and getting involved helped in overcoming them.
By Anna Moran

How the “Self-Assured” Student Can Prevent Open Discussion

Ellen Orchard argues that the most talkative person in a tutorial can often be the least likely to allow open discussion.
By Ellen Orchard

Leathnaíonn Comhphobal Choláiste na Tríonóide Thar Íomhá Thraidisiúnta de Phríbhléid agus Scothroghnachas

Nochtann Inside Trinity, sracfhéachaint ar shaol na hollscoile a rinne RTÉ, comhphobal beoga, ag léiriú foinn Choláiste na Tríonóide níos mó inrochtaineachta do ghrúpaí fo-ionadaithe.

Diverse Community Inside Trinity Extends Beyond Traditional Perception of Privilege and Elitism

Inside Trinity, RTE’s four-episode glimpse into life in Trinity, illustrates a vibrant community, reflecting Trinity’s drive to increase access for underrepresented groups.
By The Editorial Board

Cosúil le Comhionannas Pósta agus Aisghairm an Ochtú Leasaithe, Is Gá do Mhic Léinn Ghluaiseacht Níos Leithne a Dhéanamh d’Agóid Ardoideachais

Is gá do agóid náisiúnta AMLÉ argóintí áititheacha a sholáthar don sochaí ina iomlán, má tá sé ag iarraidh rath feachtais eile a athchruthú.

Like Marriage Equality and Repeal the Eighth, Students Need to Make Higher Education Demonstration Society-Wide

USI’s national demonstration needs to provide convincing arguments to wider society, if it wants to replicate the success of students’ marriage equality and repeal the eighth campaigns.
By The Editorial Board

Apparently We’re Just Not Wealthy Enough to Demand Free Education

Kevin Donoghue explores how Irish governments would rather keep companies like Apple happy than invest in third-level education.
By Kevin Donoghue

Even as Public Funding to Universities Decreases, Government Preoccupation with Control Increases

Prof Eoin O'Dell explores how the political agenda looks for control over the raising and expenditure of funding received from non-state sources.
By Eoin O'Dell