Comment & Analysis

An Dul Chun Cinn atá déanta ag Clár Rochtana na Tríonóide, agus an Méid atá Fós le Déanamh
Is meabhrúchán ar a fhorchéimnítheacht nuacht go bhfuil Oxford chun Clár Rochtana Choláiste na Tríonóide a mhacasamhlú - ach tá mórán fós le déanamh againn.

How Far Ahead the Trinity Access Programme Is, and How Far We Need to Go
News that Oxford is to replicate the Trinity Access Programme is a reminder of how far ahead it is – but there’s still so much to be done.

Is Mór an Scigdhráma atá i gcur ar fáil Tí an Phropaist d’Idirbheartaíochtaí le linn na Géarchéime Triú Leibhéil
Agus comhráite ar chomhrialtas ar siúl i gColáiste na Tríonóide le linn na seachtaine agus géarchéim maoinithe fadtéarmach san ardoideachas, an bhfuil na polaiteoirí ag gáire?

Provost Offering His House for Negotiations is Farcical in Light of Third-Level Crisis
With government formation discussions taking place in Trinity this week and a long-standing funding crisis in higher education, are the politicians laughing?

Feminists of Trinity is Misguided: Society Doesn’t Need the Constricting Ideology
James Behan argues that feminist thought extends far beyond inoffensive platitudes about equality.

Ritalin Use Stems from a Pressure to Succeed
James Shaw discusses the use and abuse of ritalin by college students desperate for success.

Baol ann go gCruthóidh na Gaotha Chinn a Mhúchann Ardoideachas na hÉireann Dochar Fadtéarmach
Is meabhrúchán dúinn atá i dtuairisc nua gur leasúchán maoinithe ardoideachais an réiteach amháin le fíor-fhadhbanna práinneacha.

The Headwinds Facing Irish Higher Education Risk Long-term Damage
A new report reminds us that higher education funding reform is the only solution to very real and very urgent problems.

Tá Maoiniú Inbhuanaithe agus Rannpháirtíocht Mac Léinn Comhionann maidir lena dTábhacht do Leasúchán
Is gá tús a chur le léirshamhail chomhpháirtíochta don ard-oideachas trí chóras inbhuanaithe maoinithe poiblí.

Student Partnership and Sustainable Funding are Equally Important for Higher Education Reform
A partnership model for higher education needs to start with a sustainable system of public funding.