Comment & Analysis


Call for a Third Graduate Students’ Union Sabbat Raises Questions About Representation

With the GSU’s council voting to seek funding for a third full-time officer, it must be asked if more representation equals better representation.
By The Editorial Board

Cuireann Éileamh le haghaidh Tríú Oifigeach Sabóideach Aontais na n-Iarchéimithe chun solas Ceisteanna faoi Ionadaíochta

Agus Comhairle Aontais na n-Iarchéimithe ag vótáil chun an t-airgead a lorg le haghaidh tríú oifigigh lán-aimseartha, is gá ceist a chur an ionann níos mó ionadaíochta agus ionadaíocht níos fearr.

To Support Societies, Trinity Needs To Manage its Space Better

Trinity has failed the societies it uses to promote itself through a lack of flexibility and a history of bad planning with on-campus spaces.
By The Editorial Board

Chun Tacú le Cumainn, Tá Feabhas ar a Bhainistíocht Spáis ag Teastáil ó Choláiste na Tríonóide

Loic Coláiste na Tríonóide ar na cumainn a úsáideann sé chun é féin a chur chun cinn trí easpa solúbthachta agus stair droch-phleanála maidir le spásanna campais.

With Mental Illness, Broken Once Need Not Equate to Broken Forever

Kayle Crosson on her experiences with depression and anxiety, and how you're not alone no matter how low you feel.
By Kayle Crosson

As Friends Prepare for Erasmus, It Can Feel Like You’re Being Left Behind by Staying Here

Ellen Orchard argues that, though Erasmus is an amazing opportunity, remaining in Dublin can be equally rewarding too.
By Ellen Orchard

Tá Painéil Ollscoile an tSeanaid Scothroghnach, ach Ní Cheart go gCaillfí a Ghnéithe Luachmhaire trí Leasúchán a Dhéanamh

Is dócha go gcaillfimis na gnéithe is fiúntaí díobh, dá nglacfaimis le roinnt tograí a rachadh i ngleic leis na painéil ollscoile.

Seanad University Panels are Elitist, But Reform Shouldn’t Lose What Makes them Valuable

Certain reform proposals, while tackling elitism, may mean we lose out on what makes the university panels worthwhile.
By The Editorial Board

Léiríonn Ráth an Fheachtais “Feiminithe na Tríonóide” Cumhacht Fhéideartha Feachtas Mac Léinn

Léirigh feachtais le déanaí an tionchar a bhfuil ag mic léinn nuair a chomhiobríonn siad ar theachtaireacht thábhachtach.

The Success of “Feminists of Trinity” Proves the Potential Power of Student-Led Campaigns

Recent campaigns have shown the difference students can make when working on an important message.
By The Editorial Board