Daniel O'Brien discusses the value of the intentions of Trinity's recent activism festival.
By Daniel O'Brien
Tá dhá chlár úrnua tar éis an méid iarrthóirí as Tuaisceart Éireann a mhéadú agus tá moladh tuillte ag Coláiste na Tríonóide de bharr an dushláin a chuir sé faoi chóras míchothrom, a scríobhann an Bord Eagarthóireachta.
Two groundbreaking programmes have increased applications from Northern Ireland, and Trinity deserves praise for challenging an unfair system, writes the Editorial Board.
By The Editorial Board
Tar éis reifrinn ar athchleamhnú le USI a bhí caillte le corrlach níos mó vótálaithe ná an chéad ceann, tá feachtas cosmhuintire ag teastáil.
With a referendum on USI reaffiliation lost by an even larger margin than the original one, the yes side needs a grassroots campaign.
By The Editorial Board
Laura Harmon discusses the reasoned and contemplative debate that must emerge around the issue of repealing the eighth.
By Laura Harmon
James Shaw argues that the common failure to give essays back on time is a highly problematic aspect of the Trinity education.
By James Shaw
Simon Foy argues that campaigns such as HeForShe are deeply important in reaching gender equality worldwide.
By Simon Foy
James Behan argues that equality is spiritualism for the 21st century.
By James Behan
On International Women's Day, Laura McPhillips speaks to some prominent Irish women about the main concerns of Irish women today.
By Laura McPhillips