A balanced approach to the internet is not a phone in each hand.
By Elizabeth Quinn
Aisling Curtis argues that, while gender equality in higher academic positions is poor worldwide, Trinity really needs to improve.
By Aisling Curtis
Paige Reynolds argues that the stigma attached to male vanity exacerbates other body image problems.
By Paige Reynolds
Peter Weakliam examines the unique benefits afforded to the Irish speaker.
By Peter Weakliam
There is no logical reason for TCDSU to vote against a mandate.
By Daniel O'Brien
TCDSU is unable to engage with the debate about the upcoming working group report – something that could decide the most important student issue in a long time.
By The Editorial Board
Ní féidir le TCDSU dul i ngleic leis an díospóireacht maidir le tuairisc an ghrúpa oibre atá ag teacht go luath - rud a bhféadfadh an cinneadh a dhéanamh maidir leis an bhfadhb is mó mac léinn le tamaill.
Ba cheart do mhic léinn an deis a ghlacadh le guth a bheith acu i bpolasaithe an Choláiste.
Students should take full advantage of this opportunity to have a voice in College policy.
By The Editorial Board
Charlie Collins examines the existential panic of trying to figure out what you’re going to do when you graduate.
By Charlie Collins