Comment & Analysis
Trinity’s Admissions Study is Still Fundamentally Flawed
Despite recent changes to Trinity’s admissions feasibility study, it still fails to improve on the “rational, transparent process” of the Leaving Cert, writes the former General Manager of the CAO.
20 Questions for the Higher Education Working Group
The leak of the Cassells report leaves many questions unanswered.
Reassessing How We Assess is Welcome, but Christmas Exams are Not the Right Answer for All
As talks of semesterised assessment continue, assuming that Christmas exams should be brought in across the board is a mistake.
Voter Registration Has a Purpose, and This Is It
The leak of the working group’s recommendations gives students’ unions the time and the obligation to fight for students in the general election.
Students Are the Ones Who Suffer with a “Funding” Loan System
Students should not be the ones bearing the brunt of the need for greater institutional funding, writes USI President Kevin Donoghue.
Cothrom na Féinne i leith na Gaeilge ag Teastáil agus Muid ag Déileáil leis na hEalaíona
Tar éis na gluaiseachta #WakingTheFeminists, is gá aitheantas a thabhairt don neamhaird náisiúnta a thugtar do mháistrí litríochta na Gaeilge sa tír seo.
Being Paid Less than Minimum Wage Defeats the Purpose of a Minimum Wage
Laura McPhillips argues that students between 18-20 years old should not be paid less for doing the same work.
Éascaíonn Dearcadh Aibí na Tríonóide i leith an Chomóraidh 1916 le Plé Aibí a Chur Chun Cinn
Trí dhíriú ar an réabhlóid cultúrtha, fáilteofar roimh réimse níos leithne de mhic léinn chun an chomóraidh.
Trinity’s Nuanced Approach to 1916 Commemorations Promotes Mature Discussion
A focus on the cultural revolution will welcome a wider spectrum of students to the commemorations.
Tá Sé Áiféiseach Nach Bhfuil Táillí Saor in Aisce á bPlé in aon chor
Toisc gur ceann den uimhir bheag de thíortha aonaracha san Eoraip muid nach bhfuil táillí saor in aisce i bhfeidhm, is iad na daoine a deir gur córas míréalaíoch nó áiféasach é atá cuma sheafóideach orthu.