Comment & Analysis

Failings in Trinity Admin Compound Difficulties Faced by Freshers
Trinity's inefficient administrative systems make things more difficult for incoming students, but recent developments suggest improvement.

Freshers’ Week is still as important as ever for College
Every effort should be made to ensure that the high standard of Trinity's Freshers' Week continues

Lochtanna i Roinn Riaracháin na hOllscoile Ag Cur Le Deacrachtaí na bhFreisir

Seachtain na bhFreisir chomh tábhachtach is a bhí riamh don Choláiste.

Steps We Must Take to Repeal the Eighth
Laura Harmon discusses what must be done in the repeal the eighth campaign.

Trinity Must Provide Careers Services to All Students
Regardless of tight budgets, maintaining and filling these positions should be a priority for College.

Solidarity Defines Us When Times are Tough
Ciaran Gaffney argues that negative stereotypes draw an incorrect image of Ireland.

In Planning a Prosperous Future, Trinity Glosses Over Fundamental Failings
A misguided approach to reputation building seeks to distract us with shiny things.

An Cúram Ar An Ollscoil Pleanáil Don Todhchaí, Ach Dearmadtar Go Ró-mhinic A Laigí Inmhéanacha
Cur chuige míthreormhar i leith tógála clú ag baint ár n-aird le nithe baoth-ghalánta.

With NCAD Director’s Retirement, Evidence of the Impact of Student Protests
Following the successful protests in NCAD, Irish students should be more confident in their abilities to achieve true change.