Comment & Analysis

No, Granny, I Don’t Know What I Want to do After College
We could all benefit from a little less obsession with what the future holds, writes Caoimhe Weakliam.

The Book of Kells Exhibition Proposal is a Slap in the Face to Sport Clubs
The temporary exhibition could hinder sporting activity on College Park, if it goes ahead.

Front Gate is Open Again, But Trinity Must Not Act Like the Pandemic is Over
Social distancing is no longer in place in College and campus is open to the public.

The Cobblestone and Merchant’s Arch are Nails in Dublin’s Cultural Coffin
Heartbroken musicians can protest the end of outlets for them to perform, but no one is listening, writes Ashling Buggle.

Trinity’s Graduation Dress Code Needs a 21st-Century Rethink
Rigid, heteronormative dress codes can make the commencement ceremony unappealing to many, writes Jonathan Andrews.

Why Are We Still Unable to Talk About Antidepressants?
Talking about mental health is much easier than it once was, but medication is still a touchy subject for many, writes Michael Archer.

Trinity’s Dean of Research Says PhD Students Should Be Workers. Can He Make It Happen?
Wolfgang Schmitt told this newspaper that he sees PhD students 'as co-workers within a research environment'.

Budget 2022 Proves There’s No Panic Button for Third Level in Leinster House
Higher education was allocated €68 million as part of budget 2022, with the SUSI grant scheme being expanded for the first time in a decade.

The Disorienting Nature of Freshers’ Orientation
First years are submerged into all the opportunities Trinity has to offer, and there are so many that it's easy to forget what a privilege that is, writes Piotr Jedro.

We Need to Talk About Sally Rooney. Or Do We?
Rooney's critics spent the past 48 hours searching for a political hypocrisy in the award-winning author that probably doesn't exist, writes Flora Moreau.