Comment & Analysis


In Dealing With Brendan Leahy, College Must Act Swiftly and Prudently

Trinity’s head of Estates and Facilities was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in 2018 this week.
By The Editorial Board

Teachtaireacht do Phobal na Pop Uipe

Léireoidh tinreamh na Pop Uipe sa nua-aois, iar-phaindéimeach, an dúil atá ag daoine i gcomhluadar réchúiseach an phobail teanga, dar le Osgur Ó Ciardha.
By Osgur Ó Ciardha

Locked Down in Dublin, I Tried to Have a Normal College Life. I Couldn’t

Having stuck out student accommodation for the first half of the year, I was frustrated at how abnormal it was and eventually went home, writes Lara Mellett.
By Lara Mellett

Cén fáth nár Cheart Ainm eile a Thabhairt ar Amharclann Samuel Beckett

An tseachtain seo, tuairiscíodh go raibh an Tríonóid chun an Amharclann Samuel Beckett a athainmniú mar Lárionad na hEalaíona Cruthaitheacha.
By The Editorial Board

Why it’s Wrong to Rename the Samuel Beckett Theatre

This week, it was reported that Trinity plans to rename the Samuel Beckett Theatre as the Centre for Creative Arts.
By The Editorial Board

Consistency in How College Deals With Laboratory Practicals is Key

It was reported this week that laboratory practicals for chemical science students would be cancelled for the rest of the year.
By The Editorial Board

Deck Chairs Have Changed The Fabric Of Campus For The Better

I feel confident in the following statement: the deck chairs are single handedly the best thing College has ever done in its 429-year history, writes Aoife Kearins.
By Aoife Kearins

If Academia is a Meritocratic Endeavour, Then Where Are All The Women?

Female students are aware that university is a place we are allowed to be in, but the place itself is not ours, writes Megan O’Driscoll.
By Megan O’Driscoll

Students Must Ask What Universities Would Look Like in a United Ireland

A united Ireland could raise some tricky questions for the third-level sector – questions students will have to grapple with, writes Fionnán Uibh Eochach.
By Fionnán Uibh Eochach

Roghanna CAO: Córas Achrannach Atá de Shíor Ag Athrú

D’ardaigh líon na n-iarratas le haghaidh roghanna céad áite CAO don Tríonóid faoi 38 faoin gcéad i mbliana.