Comment & Analysis

Prof Neville Cox: Why I am Voting for Linda Doyle
From a very early point in my time knowing Linda Doyle, I was astounded that someone could be simultaneously so effective as a leader and so warm and affirming as a human, writes Prof Neville Cox.

Prof Valeria Nicolosi: Why I am Voting for Linda Hogan
I’ve always found Linda to be approachable, ready to listen and someone who takes actions – that’s what a true leader does, writes Prof Valeria Nicolosi.

The New Provost Must Tackle Precarious Employment in Trinity
Whoever is elected on Saturday must be prepared to offer better job security, writes John Walsh.

Léiríonn Pleananna Tástála Meara Harris nach n-Imeoidh COVID Uainn go Tapa
An tseachtain seo, dúirt an t-Aire Ardoideachais Simon Harris go bhfuil sé ag súil go gcuirfear mearthástáil antaiginí i bhfeidhm ag instiúdí ardoideachais an bhliain seo chugainn.

Ní féidir aon Mhaitheas Teacht ón GSU ag Scaradh ó TCDSU
An tseachtain seo cuireadh rún chun cinn a bhfeicí Aontas na Mac Léinn Iarchéime ag scaradh go foirmiúil ó TCDSU.

Harris’s Rapid Testing Plans Acknowledge that COVID isn’t Going Anywhere Fast
This week, Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris said he hopes to see rapid antigen testing rolled out in third-level institutions next academic year.

No Good Can Come From the GSU Divesting From TCDSU
A motion was tabled this week that would see the Graduate Students’ Union formally split from TCDSU.

Trinity’s Autism Awareness Week Aims to Celebrate – and Enable – Difference
Universities like Trinity must reflect on how they can make the college experience better for neurodiverse students, writes Declan Treanor.

Govt Must Listen to Trinity’s Case for an Exemption From Board Restructuring
Trinity has requested that it be exempted from proposed reforms to management recommended by the government.

In Dealing With Brendan Leahy, College Must Act Swiftly and Prudently
Trinity’s head of Estates and Facilities was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in 2018 this week.