Comment & Analysis

Níl an Réasúnú Taobh Thiar den Chóras Cuótaí atá Beartaithe do Schols Macánta
Tá córas cuóta beartaithe ag an gColáiste do Schols chun boilsciú marcanna nó caimiléireacht a sheachaint i mbliana.

Homelessness During the Pandemic: Empathy is Important
Human contact – the feeling of being listened to – is important for those sleeping rough, writes Alma Rinaldi.

The Reasoning Behind the Proposed Schols Quota System is Disingenuous. Here’s Why
College has proposed a quota system for Schols to avoid grade inflation or cheating this year.

The GSU Class Rep Election Debacle Raises More Questions Than it Answers
The GSU class representative voting system allowed students to vote in any race, as many times as they wanted.

Trinity Education Will be Good for College – But Problems Linger
Replacing TEP with Trinity Education will not signal the end of TEP-induced problems, writes Emer Moreau.

Ireland’s Approach to the Pandemic May Have Long-Lasting Effects for Students
The economic harm done by the pandemic may well fall at the feet of groups like students – damaging the future of the country, writes Samuel O’Brient.

Mhol an Coláiste do Mhic Léinn Lóistín a Fháil. Is Comhréiteach í Aisíocaíocht
D’fhógair an Coláiste an tseachtain seo go gcuirfear aisíocaíocht ar fáil dóibh siúd a theastaíonn ceann uathu ar bhonn pro rata, gan an tréimhse fógraíochta ceithre sheachtain san áireamh.

In the School of Medicine, a Damning Report Begs the Question: What Now?
In 2018, the Irish Medical Council gave the School two years to fix a ream of problems facing students on badly planned placements.

College Encouraged Students to Move into Rooms. Refunds Are an Olive Branch
College announced this week that students who want a refund will be refunded on a pro-rata basis, minus the four weeks notice period.

Is gá don Choláiste Obair le Mic Léinn má tá Rialacha Diana i Hallaí Uathu
Labhair mic léinn an tseachtain seo faoin atmaisféar scanrúil i Hallaí na Tri ndiaidh na paindéime coronavirus.