Comment & Analysis

Léiríonn an Buiséad 2021 an Easpa Físe atá ann san Earnáil Tríú-Leibhéal
Bhí díomá ar mhórchuid de ranna tríú-leibhéal le Buiséad 2021 i mbliana.

Today, Govt Ceded Ground to Third-Level Institutions Battling for Autonomy
Allowing universities to decide their fate in level five was a win for third-level autonomy, writes Molly Furey.

Online Classes Have Created a Plethora of New and Neverending Discomforts
Zoom classes have proven exceedingly awkward thus far. More needs to be done to make online learning work, writes Faye Curran.

If College Wants Strict Rules in Halls, It Must Work With Students – Not Against Them
Students this week spoke out about the intimidating atmosphere in Halls in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Budget 2021 Betrays a Lack of Vision for Third-Level Sector
Many third-level sectors were disappointed by Budget 2021 this year.

Budget 2021 Was a Small Step In The Right Direction
Budget 2021 was a small step toward the monumental change needed in higher education funding, writes Faye Curran.

Ní Fios na hImpleachtaí atá le Gearradh Maoinithe an ERC
Tá an Chomhairle Eorpach um Thaighde ar tí €1.4 billiún de mhaoiniú a chailliúnt mar gheall ar thionchair eacnamíocha na paindéime.

Is Léir Teachtaireacht an IUA don Rialtas: Tá Tríú-Leibhéal Lárnach sa Tearnamh
Lorg aighneacht réamh-cháinaisnéise an IUA maoiniú de €538 milliún don earnáil.

Is a Virtual Hub the Future of Freshers’ Fair?
The pandemic has forced societies to rethink freshers' week – in many ways for the better, writes Mairead Maguire.

The IUA’s Message to the Govt is Clear: Third-Level Is Central to Economic Recovery
The IUA’s pre-budget submission sought €538 million in funding for the sector.