Comment & Analysis

No, Appointing One Female University President Does Not Shatter the Glass Ceiling
This week, Prof Kerstin Mey became the first-ever female university president in Ireland.

The Coronavirus Has Betrayed the Weaknesses of Relying on Commercialisation
Bank of Ireland will be leaving campus next month and ending its sponsorship agreements with Trinity.

Universities Have a Seat at the Table. It’s Time to Reimagine Higher Education
Universities need to demonstrate a willingness to see themselves as part of the solution to the fundamental challenges they now face, writes Tom Boland.

Accents: A Cafe in Name, but So Much More in Trade
From first dates to bleary-eyed essay writing, for students, Accents has served as so much more than just a cafe, writes Eimear Finan.

Le Dúshláin Mhóra os a Chomhair, Tairgeann Harris Roinn Ardoideachais le Fócas Eacnamaíochta
Níos luaithe an tseachtain seo, dúirt Harris go spreagfaidh an roinn “infheistíocht inár dtír”.

Tá Laethanta Crua Os Comhair an Choláiste. Tá Oscailteacht De Dhíth
Ar 20 Meitheamh, chuir an Coiste Scoláirí ceist ar Scoláirí lonnaithe i mBaile Átha Cliath a lóistín a fhorghéilleadh

Facing Huge Hurdles, Harris Offers a Higher Education Dept With an Economic Focus
Simon Harris said this week that the new department will “drive investment to our country”.

Trinity Faces Tough Times. Candour Is Vital
On June 20th, Dublin-based Scholars were asked to consider forfeiting their accommodation by their representatives.

A Higher Education Department is Welcome. Its Business-Oriented Slant May Not Be
Simon Harris's focus on higher education as an economic driver betrays a lack of interest in the more fundamental aspects of university, writes Emer Moreau.

Dul Chun Cinn é Roinn Ardoideachais – Ach Ní hIonann é Agus Samhail Maoinithe
Go siombalach, caitear aitheantas a thabhairt don tábhacht a bhaineann le roinn nua don ardoideachas, nuálaíocht agus taighde.