Comment & Analysis

Amid Outrage, Neither College or Scholars Come Out of Accommodation Fight Well
College bungled its announcement on whether Dublin Scholars get accommodation, but – no matter what – the situation is lose-lose, writes Faye Curran.

An Coláiste i bPonc idir Gearrsealbhóirí agus Mic Léinn ag Cúirt Kavanagh
Ta mic léinn ar buille le Cúirt Kavanagh agus an Coláiste nuair a tairiscíodh ach cuid den aisíocaíocht, seachas an cúiteamh iomlán a tugadh amach ina lóistín féin.

Ar Cóir Imní a Bheith ar Choláistí Faoi Rialtas ar Féidir Rangú a Úsáid ina gCoinne?
Bhí páirtíthe léasmhara an ardoideachais ciúin an tseachtain seo i ndiaidh na nuachta gur ardaigh cúig as seach ollscoil in Éirinn sna rangú.

Should Colleges Fear a Cynical Government Using Ranking Jumps Against Them?
Third-level stakeholders were quiet this week after news came through that five of Ireland’s seven universities had risen in world rankings.

At Kavanagh Court, Trinity Gets Caught Between Shareholders and Students
Students are furious at both Kavanagh Court and Trinity after they were offered only partial refunds, rather than pro rata compensation, on rent.

A Pandemic’s Implications Put Trinity’s Rankings Rise Into Dispiriting Context
The virus means Trinity won't be able to capitalise on its improved rankings to attract international students – until it's too late, writes Cormac Watson.

If Trinity is to be Anti-Racist, it Must be Anti-Aramark – Not Run Adverts For It
Today's Aramark fiasco seriously undermines Trinity's recent commitment to being a more inclusive college, writes Aoife Kearins.

Normal People is Flawed, But it Filled a Gap: Stories for College Students
The hysteria around Normal People is disproportionate, but it shows the lack of literature students can relate to their own lives, writes Molly Furey.

For Many Students, Summer Jobs Pay for College. Now That’s Gone
It behoves the government to support students for whom vital summer work has gone out the window, writes Ella Connolly.

Lorgaíonn Tríú-Leibhéal Aire Rialtais – Agus Rannpháirtíocht
D'éiligh na mílte ón lucht léinn go mbunófar roinn ardoideachais agus taighde.