Comment & Analysis

Le hAgóidí ag Scaipeadh ar Fud na Cruinne, Caithfidh an Tríonóid Athruithe Buana a Dhéanamh ar Champas
Fad is atá na milliúin ag agóidíocht ar fud an domhain, gheall an Coláiste an tseachtain seo go “ndéanfar athruithe struchtúracha” maidir le ciníochas ar champas.

Starving Universities Hunt a Cabinet Champion – and a Seat at the Table
Thousands of academics have called for the creation of a department of higher education and research.

As Protests Sweep the Globe, Trinity Must Make Real, Lasting Changes on Campus
With millions protesting around the world, Trinity this week promised to ‘bring about real structural change’ when it comes to racism on campus.

Normal People Shatters the Illusion of the College Dream. Thank God for It
Normal People's TV adaptation did an excellent job of gently telling us that in fact, not living the dream is fairly normal after all, writes Emer Moreau.

Students with Disabilities Have Long Sought Online Learning. It Must Continue and Improve
The coronavirus has brought online and remote learning to Trinity. Now they must be built upon, writes Niamh Ní Hoireabhaird.

Níl Aon Mheas ag an Rialtas Seo ar an nGaeilge sa Chóras Oideachais
Is údar díomá, seachas iontas, é an chaoi a gcaitear leis an teanga sa chóras oideachais, dar le Peter Kavanagh.

Failed by Successive Governments, Third-Level Needs Its Own Full Minister
State underfunding has forced universities to act like businesses, writes Kevin Mitchell. Now more than ever they need a cabinet-level champion.

Erasmus Gamble Marks Trinity as an Outlier. Time Will Tell If It’s Right
Trinity last week became Ireland’s first – and possibly only – university to allow students the option of travelling abroad for Erasmus.

In Ainneoin na Fianaise, Diúltaíonn Éire Maoiniú a Thabhairt dá Todhchaí
Dúirt an Roinn Oideachais go mbeidh ar ollscoileanna na tíre a réitigh féin a aimsiú.

Facing Irrefutable Evidence, Ireland Still Refuses to Fund its Own Future
The Department of Education has said Irish universities will have to find the solutions to their financial issues from within their own budgets.