Comment & Analysis

For Third-Level, a Sliver of Election Air-Time But Big Questions Unanswered
This week’s manifesto launches have noticeably sidestepped any decision on the Cassells report.

Aramark’s Exit is a Win, But College Has Form With Dubious Partnerships
Getting Aramark off Trinity's campus is a victory for student activism that should inspire further action.

Another Week, Another Deportation Case at Third-Level. When Will the State Learn?
This week, the government backtracked on another deportation order issued to a student after outrage from UCC staff and students.

How Cassells Might Actually be Keeping Third-Level Away From Election Spotlight
Higher education has hardly featured in the general election campaign so far.

An Election Timed to Puncture the Youth Vote? It Suits Fine Gael Just Fine
If Fine Gael really wanted students to vote, it wouldn't hold an election the week before a new register of electors kicks in, writes Cormac Watson.

The Big Two Parties on Higher Education – In Their Own Words
Ahead of the election, Faye Curran looks back at the words and deeds of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael when it comes to third-level education in Ireland.

The Taoiseach Says a Saturday Vote Helps Students. How About Some Policies Instead?
Students deserve policies worth voting for in the upcoming general election. So far, we've not seen much, writes Aoife Kearins.

Do Ollscoileanna, Tá Níos Mó ná Baoill i gCeist Leis an mBreatimeacht
An tseachtain seo d'fhógair an rialtas go gcoimeádfar socrú táillí idir Éire, an RA agus Tuaisceart Éireann le haghaidh bliain eile.

Le Géarchéim Maoinithe, Rún Iontach Uaillmhianach Ó Trí Ollscoil
An tseachtain seo, d’fhógair Ollscoil Éireann Gaillimh plean chun ceantar fiontar de luach €200 milliún a thógáil.

For Universities, Brexit’s Risks Aren’t Just Concerning – They May be Irreversible
The government this week announced that fee arrangements between Ireland, the UK and Northern Ireland will be maintained for another year.