Comment & Analysis

With Election Pressure Off, McInerney Talks Up ‘Approachable’ Ents
Hugh McInerney, the only candidate for ents officer of TCDSU, believes his experience and personality make him well suited to the role.

In Election, a Simple Message to Politicians: Don’t Fail Third-Level
Higher education's key stakeholders on why now is the time for action on the future funding of third-level.

Sole Welfare Candidate Leah Keogh Puts Student Hardship in the Spotlight
Leah Keogh, who's running uncontested for TCDSU education officer, has a pitch that's more about evolution than revolution.

At the Polling Booth, Remember: Research Matters
Research is a vital part of our future and should be taken into account by both politicians and voters during the upcoming election, writes Linda Doyle.

Education Candidate O’Connor Keeps it Local, Despite Third-Level Funding Crisis
Megan O'Connor, the sole candidate for TCDSU education officer, wants the union to get back to basics. It's unclear if students will buy it.

Strategic Plan: Lots to Commend, but the Devil’s in the (Lack of) Detail
While well-intentioned, College's new strategic plan isn't urgent enough about tackling staff and student issues, writes Aoife Kearins.

Suntas Tríú-Leibhéil san Olltoghcháin, Ach Ceisteanna Fós le Freagairt
Níl an t-ardoideachas mar thosaíocht ag na páirtithe móra, agus is léir sin óna réitigh, dar leis an mBord Eagarthóireachta.

Bua é Imeacht Aramark, Ach Nascanna Amhrasacha ag an gColáiste Go Fóill
Is bua é imeacht Aramark ó champas na Tríonóide d'fheachtasaíocht na mac léinn, ba chóir go spreagfaidh sé níos mó gníomhaireachta.

In Presidential Race, a Familiar Choice: Micro or Macro
The three candidates running for TCDSU president offer differing takes on the extent to which the union should involve itself in national issues.

Few Revelatory Moments in Tetchy Higher Education Debate
Today's higher education debate in Trinity saw more arguments about statistics than ideas or a vision for the future.