Comment & Analysis

Níl Riarachán na Tríonóide Foirfe, Ach D’fhéadfadh A Mhalairt Bheith I Bhfad Níos Measa
D’fhéadfadh leasaithe molta de ríalú ardoideachais atheagar radacach a chur ar struchtúir ríalaithe na Tríonóide.

After AGM Success, DUCAC’s New Regime Must Keep its Promises
The wheels of change are turning in DUCAC. Its new leadership must make tangible changes.

Trinity’s Administration Isn’t Perfect, But the Alternative Could be Far Worse
Proposed changes to higher education’s governance could radically overhaul Trinity’s governance structures.

I Signed Up for a Free Box of Pringles. Now I’m a TCDSU Class Rep
As the old adage goes: there’s no such thing as a free box of Pringles, writes Aoife Kearins.

In College, Sex and Drugs are the Rule – Not the Exception
Attitudes towards sex and drugs in university are a far cry from those held in rural areas, writes Faye Curran.

The Price of Trinity’s Flights is No Big Deal – But College’s Environmental Impact Is
Trinity spent over €259,084 on flights in the last year.

Schoolchildren Are Ahead On Climate. Third-Level Students Need To Catch Up
At Friday’s climate strike, schoolchildren outshone third-level students.

Tomorrow, Ireland Can Turn a Page on Climate Action. Be There
Climate action is a fight to give ourselves and our children a future. Attending tomorrow's Climate Strike is the first step, writes Tate Donnelly.

Grief is a Part of Life. It’s Time We Learned to Talk About It
Grief is an ever-evolving set of emotions, and we shouldn't hide from that, writes Molly Furey.

For Quality and Equality, Public Funding is Higher Education’s Best Option
Loans are not the answer – Ireland needs investment in higher education, argues Laura Harmon.