After the flurry of deadlines that comes at the end of your final year, it's difficult to unwind and learn to live again, writes Natalia Toborek.
By Natalia Toborek
Tá sásamh tuillte orthu siúd atá bainteach leis an troid ar son lóistín mac léinn feabhsaithe.
Agus í ar an ngannchuid, d’éirigh leis an Tríonóid na milliúin a thiomsú don fhoirgneamh nua.
Those involved in the fight for improved student accommodation are entitled to feel a measure of satisfaction.
By The Editorial Board
Strapped for cash, Trinity managed to scrape together tens of millions for a landmark new building.
By The Editorial Board
The youth wing of Fianna Fáil has seemingly failed to push some of their most impressive young women to the fore, writes Kathleen McNamee.
By Kathleen McNamee
Tá barraíocht ranna na Tríonóide ar na seandóigheanna le measúnacht na mac léinn.
Is cosúil go dtuigeann an rialtas agus coláistí go bhfuil níos mó i gceist le comhionannas inscne ná bosca éigeantach.
Too many of Trinity’s departments have stuck to old methods of assessing students.
By The Editorial Board
Gender equality appears to no longer be another box for colleges and the government to tick.
By The Editorial Board