Comment & Analysis

The New Strategic Plan Will Be More Than a Document
The new strategic plan will set the course of the College for the next five years.

Le Searmanas Oiriúnach, Dhearbhaigh an Tríonóid Tábhacht an Daonchairdis dá Thodhchaí
Is cinnte go raibh ócáid Dhéardaoin mar chor cinniúnach i dtéarma an Phropaist Patrick Prendergast

With an Apt Ceremony, Trinity Affirmed Philanthropy as a Key to its Future
Thursday’s event is surely the most important moment of Provost Patrick Prendergast’s term.

Caithfidh an Coláiste Foghlaim ó Phraiseach na Scrúduithe i mBliana
Is iomaí fadhb – idir riaracháin agus bainte le TEP – a raibh ar mhic léinn dul i ngleic leo i rith an tréimhse scrúdaithe.

De Dheasca TEP, Tá an Coláiste i mBaol go gCaillfear a Shaol Cumainn ar Leith
Ní féidir cloigeann na Tríonóide a shá sa ghaineamh agus na mic léinn ag streachailt.

College Must Learn From This Year’s Exam Chaos
Students encountered a myriad of problems – both administrative and TEP-related – this exam season.

Thanks to TEP, College Is in Danger of Losing Its Unique Society Life
Trinity cannot bury its head in the sand while student societies struggle.

Not Having Children May be the Ethical Choice. Here’s Why
The potential collapse of civilisation makes having children look increasingly like a self-interested endeavour, writes Ciannait Khan.

After a Year in Trinity, I’ve Finally Found My Feet
Adjusting to life in Dublin and Trinity took some getting used to, but now I've found my place here, writes Faye Curran.

How TSM Students Became TEP’s Latest Casualty
The new joint-honours programme is an ill-thought-out replacement of TSM, writes Emer Moreau.