Comment & Analysis

Beidh Seachtain Staidéir sa Bhreis ag Mic Léinn. Caithfidh Ranna Coláiste Measúnacht a Athchóiriú Anois
Tá barraíocht ranna na Tríonóide ar na seandóigheanna le measúnacht na mac léinn.

Cur Chuige Ceart ag an bPropast le Seoladh Chairt Chomhionannas Inscne
Is cosúil go dtuigeann an rialtas agus coláistí go bhfuil níos mó i gceist le comhionannas inscne ná bosca éigeantach.

Students Have an Extra Revision Week. Now College Departments Must Reform Assessment
Too many of Trinity’s departments have stuck to old methods of assessing students.

Provost Strikes the Right Tone as Universities Launch Gender Equality Charter
Gender equality appears to no longer be another box for colleges and the government to tick.

Íomhá ‘Éilíteach’ na Gaeilge – An Bhfuil Athrú de Dhíth?
Is mór an t-athrú ginearálta atá tagtha ar dhearcadh i leith na nGael ar feadh na mblianta, dar le Malachi Ó Marcaigh.

Iarsma ó Sheanré na Tríonóide le Bronnadh Céime de Réir Gráid
Tá searmanas bronnta céimeanna an Choláiste náireach ársa.

Gan Mhaoiniú, Beidh Dúshlán Mór roimh Ollscoileanna chun a gCaighdeán a Chaomhnú
Tagann an t-éileamh ar son oideachais níos fearr agus ollscoileanna ag fulaingt le heaspa maoinithe.

Without Funding, Universities Will Struggle to Keep Their Standards Intact
The push for better quality education comes at a time when universities are underfunded and overstretched.

Graduation by Grade Is a Relic of a Bygone Trinity
The College’s graduation ceremony is unforgivably antiquated.

How UCC’s Bystander Intervention Training Empowers Students
What is needed for a safe third-level experience is a shared culture and a shared expectation of respect, writes Louise Crowley.