Comment & Analysis

TCDSU’s Sexual Assault Guidelines Should’ve Been Done By College Years Ago
The union’s new reporting guidelines initiative is to be commended.

USI’s Protest Needed to Capture Significant Public Attention. But It Didn’t
While USI’s campaign mobilised students and staff on a local level, it needed to be more of a full-frontal attack.

Revelation of the Knights Hazing Was Clearly in the Public Interest
The Trinity News legal analysis of our Knights' hazing story is incomplete, writes Prof Eoin O’Dell.

Fee Certainty Is Not Enough to Quell the Northern Ireland CAO Tumble
The fall in applications from Northern Ireland is sure to continue amid uncertainty and there appears to be little the Irish government can do about it, writes Matthew Murphy.

How Modern Spirituality Transcends Social Boundaries
Young people should embrace their spirituality and whatever it means to them, writes Eliana Jordan.

Tá na Fir Spóirt Iomráiteacha seo ag Buanú Smaointí Seanchaite ar Dhílseacht agus Tiomántas
Ní dhéanann baint na ndaoine iomráiteacha seo ach cur le tromchúis na ceiste.

Thar Am, Tá Neart le Cruthú ag an bhFeachtas Maoinigh an Todhchaí
Tá cinneadh an rialtais chun dul i gcomhairle an Choimisiúin Eorpaigh le hiasachtaí mac léinn ag spreagadh USI chun gnímh faoi dheireadh.

These Elite Sportsmen Are Perpetuating Outdated Ideas of Loyalty and Commitment
The involvement of such prominent figures only serves to emphasise the gravity of the issue.

The Long-Overdue Fund the Future Campaign Has Much to Prove
The government’s decision to refer student loans proposals to the European Commission has finally frightened USI into action.

Athrú Níos Radacaí ag Teastáil i gCás an tSeanaid
Má táimid chun an teach uachtarach a dhéanamh níos daonlathaí agus níos ionadaí, tá i bhfad níos mó le déanamh fós.