
Inaugural Ents/Piranha Husting Sees Satire Take a Back Seat to Camaraderie
In the first event of its kind in a dramatically changed election period, the event both entertained and confused attendees with its awkward humour.

The Turkish Ambassador on International Affairs, EU Membership and Last Summer’s Military Coup
Last night, SOFIA hosted H E Levent Murat Burhan, the Turkish Ambassador, who discussed Turkey’s goals in gaining membership to the EU, their relationship with Russia and upcoming referendum.

Ryan and Wine: Light House Cinema Hosts Valentine’s Ryan Gosling Movie Marathon
From La La Land to Drive, the Lighthouse brings you a day filled with crazy, stupid love and the man of the hour, Ryan Gosling.

The Piranha’s Take on Elections, a Panel Discussion on Sexism and the Valentine’s Ball: Your Week Ahead
Grace Meagher highlights some of the most exciting events taking place on campus in the midst of the TCDSU elections.

Bloc Party, The Strypes to Headline Trinity Ball
The acts will join the usual cohort of Trinity-based artists and acts including Wilkinson, SG Lewis and Blossoms.

Ag Ceiliúradh na hÉigse le Lá Oscailte na Scéime
Tugann Philip McGuinness cuairt ar lárionad na Gaeilge ríthábhachtach i mBá na Lutheolaíochta.

Bricfeasta Mór Gaelach Chun Críoch a Chur le Ceiliúradh na Teanga
Bhí neart spreagadh agus spraoi le haimsiú in ócáidí a eagraíodh i rith Éigse na Tríonóide go chuile Gaeilgeoir, ach is féidir le héinne taitneamh a bhaint as bricfeasta neamhaí.

TAF Wrap Party Offers a Magical End to the Festival in an Enchanting Georgian Mansion
Last night saw the culmination of a week of art, music and creativity as Trinity Arts Festival drew to a close in the Rosendale Mansion in Shankill.

The Beautiful and Unsettling Nature of Daphne Wright’s Emotional Archaeology
The Irish artist explores themes of parenthood, ageing and the relationship between humans and animals in her latest exhibition in the RHA.

Challenging Trinity’s Traditional Structural Elegance, the Berkeley Library Celebrates 50 Years
Constructed between 1961 and 1967, the library stands as a grey concrete structure in the midst of neoclassical grandiose.