Sinéad Baker

Word on the Street: Soundbites from the Rally for Education

We asked marchers, organisations, and onlookers for their thoughts

Trinity Professor Wins €1.2 million Research Grant

Professor Shane O'Mara is the first Irish recipient of the Senior Investigator Award for the study of memory support systems in the brain.

Red Hot

An interview with photographer Thomas Knights

Concern Over Future of Social Work Courses

Worries about filling current and vacant staff positions and issues with its finances could mean dire straits for the School of Social Work and Social Policy

Fourth-year Engineers Set for Christmas Exams

Christmas exams benefit those in the five-year course who can do internships or placements in the second semester.

Annual Mailout of Society Information Cancelled

The annual mailout sent to all incoming Freshman students has been cancelled due to late pull-outs and data protection laws.

Trinity Orchestra at Electric Picnic

Sineád Baker reviews Trinity Orchestra's electrifying set at last weekend's Electric Picnic.

‘Strange Weather’ – The New Science Gallery Opens its Doors

Samuel Riggs and Sineád Baker review the exciting new exhibit at the Science Gallery.

The Disparity Between Aims and Actions in Trinity

What the student charges and HEA Reports over the past two days mean in a Trinity and national context

Foodcloud on Going from Infancy to National in a Year

Sinéad Baker talks to Trinity-grown initiative Foodcloud about their continuing progress in reducing Ireland's food waste.