DUDJ and DU Snowsports are teaming up again after the success of their Snow and Spin event during Freshers’ Week. This time, the event is Cool Spinnings. This may be the first time I have ever heard of a Cool Runnings-themed club night, and that alone is enough to get me to recommend it. On Wednesday December 16th from 7pm, the societies will turn the Wiley Fox into the 1972 Winter Olympics for their official Pre Ski Trip night, which looks like it will be to be one to remember.
At this time of year, it’s hard to think about anything else but essays and exams, but it’s also important to get a bit of exercise before the Christmas eating season begins. All those ballet lessons your mam made you take when you were younger can finally be put to good use with DU Dance’s Christmas Nutcracker Workshop. This seasonal workshop will take place in the Fitness Studio at 8pm on Wednesday the 16th. Jane Magan, one of Ireland’s premier ballerinas, is the visiting instructor for the evening. She will be teaching some choreography from some of Tchaikovsky’s most famous works, including the Sugar Plum Fairy.
It would be impossible to look ahead to a week of events this close to Christmas without including at least one 12 Pubs of Christmas event. DU History are one of the many societies that are choosing to celebrate the festivities through this time-honoured – though rarely completed – Christmas tradition. They will be meeting at the Pav (little surprise there) at 8pm on Thursday December 17th, most definitely in Christmas attire.
This year, it feels does feel a little bit less like the Christmas season and more like Star Wars season. With the generation-spanning, immensely popular science fiction franchise being rebooted, it feels like the whole world has stepped into a galaxy far, far away. The Hist are joining in with their Histmas party on Monday December 14th at 6pm in the GMB. This being one of the most expansive cinematic mythologies ever, you can, without a doubt, expect a lively and highly researched debate on the infamous Dark Side of the Force, while the Facebook event also promises comedy, banter and cans. This should be a fun night for hardcore fans and bandwagoners alike.