Education Candidate Bev Genockey Receives Minor Strike

The final hustings of the race is set to take place on Tuesday at 6pm, with voting opening on the same night.
By Cormac Watson

Ceisteanna Maidir leis an bPróiseas Agallaimh mar Scamall ar Rás an Phropaist

Chuir Cláraitheoir an Choláiste Brendan Tangney ríomhphost go dtí an fhoireann acadúil uilig Dé hAoine ag cosaint próiseas toghcháin an Phropaist, tar éis gur éiligh an t-Ollamh Alyn-Stacey go mbainfear an coiste agallaimh ón bpróiseas.

Ní Féidir le hInbhunaitheacht a Bheith ina Giotán Cainte d’Iarrathóirí Propaist

Bhí iarrathóirí propaist i mbun díospóireachta ag toghchánaíocht d’athrú aeráide an tseachtain seo caite.

Is Mó an Deacracht Atá Ann Déileáil le Teip Acadúil Agus Teip san Fhíorshaol

Ní shainíonn mothúchán na teipe muid mar dhaoine, dar le Yu Hua Chaomhánach.
By Yu Hua Chaomhánach

Editor Candidate Caddle Pledges to Give Accommodation to an Asylum-Seeker

Caddle came under fire at the equality hustings last night, after he declined to attend.
By Mairead Maguire

Plé Cuimsitheach ar Chúrsaí Inrochtaineachta Mar Chuid de Sheachtain na hÉigse

D’eagraigh Scéim Chónaithe na Mac Léinn an ócáid.
By Róise Hannan

Three Cases of Coronavirus Confirmed in Trinity Hall

The Warden of Halls has urged residents to ‘redouble their efforts at handwashing, social distancing and mask wearing’.
By Sárán Fogarty

In Equality Hustings, Questioners Put All Candidates Through their Paces

The final hustings is set to take place on Tuesday at 6pm where candidates will face questions posed by the Halls residents and JCR.
By Matt McCann and Emma Taggart

Equality Hustings

Join Cormac Watson, Molly Furey and Aoife Kearins for the fourth hustings of this year's TCDSU elections.

An Extra Trinity Ball Isn’t Students’ Main Concern This Provost Election

Ohlmeyer would have done well to have framed students’ very real concerns at the core of her message, rather than try to appease us through offering an extra Trinity Ball, writes Eimear Finan.
By Eimear Finan