The Hist Considers Reparations in the Fight for Women’s Rights

Guest speaker Alana Ryan closed the debate with a moment of silence for the late Ashling Murphy.
By Théo Martin

Trinity Partners with Fintech Company Fenergo to Launch New Scholarship

The scholarship will enable a leaving certificate student to study in Trinity with access to mentoring opportunities from Fenergo.
By Emer Moreau

Psychologist Paula Roseingrave Joins Seanad Bye Election Ballot

Roseingrave ran in the 2020 general election as a Green Party candidate in the Wexford constituency.
By Maitiú Charleton

TCDSU Cafe Cannot Re-open Until Health and Safety Issues Addressed

A HSE report ordered the cafe to remain closed until a ream of issues identified in a report are addressed.
By Michael Archer

Harris Announces Additional €1.3 million for Student Assistance Fund

The fund provides financial support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds or those in need of emergency funds.
By Seán Cahill

Plant-Based Milk to be Subsidised in College for Month of February

Milk alternatives will cost the same as dairy milk until the end of this month.
By Jody Druce

French Onion Soup: How to Make it Perfectly, Every Time

From humble origins, this dish is the quintessential easy-but-impressive offering for all your dinner parties.
By Keegan Andrulis

The IFI Shows the Charlie Chaplin You Know – and the One You Don’t

The cinema is running a series of the actor's most iconic films, as well as a documentary about the man behind 'the tramp'.
By Michael Archer

Is Bua do Chách gur Caitheadh amach an Plean don Phuball ar Pháirc an Choláiste

Cuirfear taispeántas an Leabhair Cheanannais sa Chearnóg Nua, leis an leabhar féin le bheith curtha sa Chlólann agus an tSean-Leabharlann á hathchóiriú.

Adam Balchin Replaces Emma Rossiter as Chair of Council

Rossiter resigned to focus on their studies.
By Jody Druce