Trinity’s New Casual Work Policy is a Win for a Group Used to Losing
College Board this week approved a new policy on casual work, which has drawn praise from postgraduate students.
Trinity Ability Co_op Makes Submission to HEA National Access Plan
The Trinity Ability Co_op is a collaborative initiative between students and staff to promote accessibility in College.
Trinity Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Loyola Institute
The Loyola Institute – which has been part of Trinity since 2012 – offers both taught and research postgraduate programmes in theology in the Catholic tradition.
GSU’s Vote on Finance a Sign Students are Now Seen As Legitimate Stakeholders
That students now have a second vote on the College Finance Committee is undoubtedly a consequence of the Take Back Trinity protests.
Govt Secures €75m of Financing for Universities to Build Accommodation
Legislation has been approved to allow the Housing Finance Agency to distribute the loans to universities.
Trinity Spent Over €42m on Building Acquisitions Since 2015
The figure includes the €21 million purchase of a property in the Grand Canal Quay.
The Govt Is Right to Limit Up-Front Flat Payments – But It is Not Enough
The government this week announced that it would work to put a two-month limit on up front payments for student accommodation.
Online Voting Firm Stands by Results of GSU Elections
GSU President Gisèle Scanlon was announced as the next president of the GSU on Saturday.
Government Announces Reopening Plans for Next Semester
The government today announced plans to reopen colleges next semester.
What the 1945 VE Riots Tell Us About a Forgotten Ireland
After the surrender of Nazi Germany, Trinity found itself at the centre of days of riots incited by the fascist party Ailtirí na hAiséirghe and joined by passers-by on the street.