Trinity Submit to Redesign of Oisín House Proposal Following An Bord Pleanála Decision
After concluding that an appeal to the High Court would be unsuccessful, Trinity have decided to redesign the proposed accommodation complex.
With a New Strategy, Trinity’s Entrepreneurship Plans May Succeed Where Past Plans Have Been Unpopular
Trinity has been criticised for its approach to entrepreneurship, but hiring someone to support startups suggests a new approach.
Nochtann Fáthanna le Diúltú Iarratais Tí Oisín Gannmheas Trom na Géarchéime Iostais
Do thodhchaí Choláiste na Tríonóide, tá spás le haghaidh áiseanna agus iostas i bhfad níos tábhachtaí ná aestéitidil.
Reasons Behind Rejection of Oisín House Display Profound Underestimation of Accommodation Crisis
For Trinity’s future, having a place for accommodation and facilities is much more important than aesthetics.
Trinity to Hire New Chief Executive Officer to Develop Innovation and Entrepreneurship Hub
The new officer, who will receive a salary between €80,000 and €110,000, will work within the Department of Research and Innovation.
From Appealing to Starting From Scratch: What Trinity Can Do With Oisín House
The proposed accommodation development has been refused permission in its current form. What are Trinity’s options now?
Access All Areas
Jack Kavanagh discusses the challenges of returning to Trinity as a wheelchair user.
An Bord Pleanála Rejects Trinity’s 280-bed Oisín House Development
An Taisce appealed the planning permission for the “overscaled” €52 million accommodation project.
Training to Begin in Early September for Students Selected as Consent Workshop Instructors
College staff will also act as facilitators at the workshops, which the Senior Tutor will help oversee.
With New Joint Campaign, TCDSU and UCDSU Call on Homeowners to Rent Rooms to Students
The €8,000 campaign will see the unions work with to publicise the government's rent-a-room scheme.