College WiFi Network Upgrade to be Completed by End of Month
The upgrade, which began in March, hopes to create one of the largest and fastest WiFi networks in Ireland.
Science Gallery’s Trauma Exhibition Comes at a Pertinent Time
Geordie Milne reviews the Science Gallery's latest exhibition, Trauma, which opens tomorrow.
Senior Tutor and Head of Counselling Service in Paris to Support Trinity Erasmus Students
Dr Claire Laudet and and Dr Deirdre Flynn have been in Paris since Monday, providing support to Trinity students on Erasmus in the city.
Trinity Ranked in Top 150 for Graduate Employability, the Only Irish University to be Ranked
In new rankings published today, Trinity is the only Irish university to be ranked in the top 150 for the employability of its graduates.
€138 Million for Trinity and University of California, San Francisco Dementia Institute
Atlantic Philanthropies is to make its largest donation ever to establish the Global Brain Health Institute.
Trinity Scientists Discover New Strand of European Human Ancestry
The discovery, led by Trinity College and Cambridge University Scientists, will help add to knowledge of the hunter gatherer population in the Late Upper Palaeolithic period.
Is Gá don Choláiste Cluais Éisteachta a Thabhairt do Cháinntí maidir le Raon Tionanta, agus Iad a Thabhairt san Áireamh
Le maoniú de €16 milliún tugtha do phostanna earcaithe faoin gcóras, tá cuma ar an scéal nach bhfuil an Coláiste tar éis dul i ngleic leis na hargóintí sa phróiseas comhairliúcháin.
Trinity Needs to Listen to Tenure Track Criticisms and Include Them in Consultation
With €16 million in funding given to posts being hired under the model, it looks like Trinity may not have engaged with the arguments in its consultation process.
Trinity Has the Chance to Become a National Leader in Addressing Gender Inequality in Academia
In light of recent criticisms of institutional inequality, Trinity should work to improve on its recent success.
Le Cáineadh Athnuaite Maidir le Cothromaíocht Inscne i Saol Acadúil na Tíre, Tá an Deis ag an gColáiste Ceannasaíocht a Ghlacadh
I ndiaidh na gcáintí le déanaí maidir le eagothroime institúide i saol acadúil na tíre, ba cheart don Choláiste díriú le cur leis an dul chun cinn atá ar siúl.