Trinity Ranked 16th Most International University Worldwide
College has fallen by four points in the Times Higher Education Most International Universities ranking from 2022.
Life after Sport for Student Athletes: Food for Thought or Fuel for Fear?
Though retirement may be a distant prospect for most student athletes, the adjustment is rarely easy.
For Me, Cafés are the New Classrooms, Libraries and Student Spaces
I spend more time in coffee shops than I do in class, writes Adam Potterton.
Getting Rid of Booking Fees and Putting Pressure on the Sports Levy Will Benefit Everyone
Many students face undue financial strain because of the extraneous charges to book facilities and use equipment, writes Lórien MacEnulty.
PCAU and PGWA to Merge
The two Unions will be going by the name Postgraduate Workers' Organisation once the merger is complete.
TCDSU to Hold Referendum on Sports Centre Levy
If passed, the policy would mandate TCDSU to put pressure on college and the sports centre to abolish booking and equipment fees.
“It comes down to funding” – Ireland’s Postgraduate Research Crisis
Many postgraduate researchers are facing a situation in which they can no longer afford basic necessities such as food, rent and heating due to their lack of funding and their working conditions.
School of Physics Publishes Open Letter Calling for Provost’s Support For Increased Stipends
The letter requests that the Provost support an increase in the stipend to a liveable rate.
PhD Researcher Leaves Programme Following Difficulties with Visa Requirements
Abagun left her programme at the Southeast Technological University following a year of issues with the visa requirements for non-EEA researchers.
Government Announces €26m for Energy Efficiency in Higher Education
Ministers Simon Harris and Eamonn Ryan announced the new funding as part of the Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation Pathfinder Programme.