General Election
TCDSU Launch Voter Registration Campaign Ahead of 2024 Elections
The Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) have begun a campaign to encourage students to register to vote in time for the European and Ireland’s local and national elections.
Few Revelatory Moments in Tetchy Higher Education Debate
Today's higher education debate in Trinity saw more arguments about statistics than ideas or a vision for the future.
Students Just Helped Jolt Irish Politics. Third-Level May Not Benefit
Young people played a major role in an election of change, but there’s no guarantee of positive developments for higher education.
Chraith Mic Léinn Polaitíocht na Tíre. Seans Nach mBainfidh Coláistí Leas As
Bhí ról an-tabhachtach ag daoine óga in olltoghchán lán d’athrú, ach ní féidir bheith cinnte de go mbeidh forbairtí don ardoideachas.
Higher Education Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor Loses Seat
The former minister for higher education finished just 500 votes behind Fianna Fáil's Cormac Devlin.
At Funding-Heavy Third-Level Debate, More Squabbles than Solutions
Issues like autonomy and student accommodation didn’t get an airing at a fractious higher education debate this week.
Díospóireacht Iomlán Faoi Mhaoiniú, le hArgóintí Seachas Réitithe
Ní raibh trácht ar bith ar neamhspléachas agus lóistín na mac léinn ag an díospóireacht ardoideachais an tseachtain seo.
In Election, a Simple Message to Politicians: Don’t Fail Third-Level
Higher education's key stakeholders on why now is the time for action on the future funding of third-level.
Want Politicians to Act Like Humans? Stop Treating Them Like Robots
Most people go into politics with good intentions, and treating them with contempt helps no one, writes Sárán Fogarty.
At the Polling Booth, Remember: Research Matters
Research is a vital part of our future and should be taken into account by both politicians and voters during the upcoming election, writes Linda Doyle.