In Focus

Paula Roseingrave Pitches Green Policies and Disability Advocacy
The psychotherapist contested the 2020 general election for the Green Party.

Ray Bassett: Pushing the Limits of Debate in Ireland
The former diplomat has been vocal about his issues with the EU in the past, and believes there should be more debate about the benefits and drawbacks of Ireland's membership of the bloc.

Ryan Alberto Ó Giobúin: Prioritising Investment in Education
The PhD candidate has spent five years researching the negative repercussions of gaps and inequalities in education.

Sadhbh O’Neill: “I’m Green with a Small G”
The former councillor and current PhD student is well briefed on environmental policy but less concerned with higher-education issues.

Hugo MacNeill: Using Networking for Good
The former rugby player is running on a three-pronged platform of economy, north-south relations and disability advocacy.

Tom Clonan: Running for the Seanad as an Act of Protest
The former army captain a long-time campaigner for disability rights and tackling sexual harassment and abuse in the Defence Forces.

Hazel Chu: No More Politics As Usual
Green Party councillor Hazel Chu outlines her progressive vision for Irish politics as she contests the Seanad bye election.

Revising the Legacy of William Rowan Hamilton
The Trinity mathematician was the subject of a number of unflattering rumours after his death, but he is a key figure in one of the most important roles of academia: blue-skies research.

The Psychology of Toxic Productivity – and How It’s Impacting Students
Toxic productivity and burnout aren't formally recognised conditions, but there's no doubt that they're widespread problems in colleges.

Derry’s 50-Year Fight for University Places
Poverty rates and skill shortages are the key reasons for needing more students in the city.