Trinity researchers are trying to predict what the future is for school leavers and graduates as a result of the coronavirus.
By Emma Taggart
Mid-pandemic, colleges around the world are turning to online teaching. Minerva – a global college with no campus – has been doing it for years.
By Emma Taggart
Living in Lockdown, a Trinity project, is chronicling the pandemic in a new way. In the US, a similar project is taking place in Columbia University.
By Gillian O'Neill
Founded by third-year Trinity student Tom McCarthy, Patch is a six-week summer accelerator programme for Ireland’s brightest young students.
By Naoise D’Arcy
Students who live in insecure conditions, including ‘couch-surfers’, aren’t always considered when we think of Ireland’s homelessness problem.
By Gillian O'Neill
With a contact tracing centre, and research that’s likely to be crucial to how Ireland manages the virus, UCD is at the coalface of pandemic research.
By Annasthasia Fitzgerald
A peculiar and humble man, George Francis Fitzgerald has been largely forgotten – despite his mighty contributions.
By Gillian O'Neill
Third-level students in Ireland's direct provision system say the virus has laid bare – again – the unworkability of the system.
By Rachel O'Leary
Over the past 10 years, the UK has seen a surge in interdisciplinary teaching, with a different vision of what college should teach students.
By Molly Furey
Five years on from the marriage equality referendum, those who led the student campaign say creativity was crucial to influencing debate.
By Donal MacNamee