In Focus

Why Students Struggle to Find Their Voice in US Presidential Elections
The 2020 US presidential election, scheduled for November 3rd, has pitted sectors of the nation against each other.

‘Bugs as Drugs’: Harnessing the Power of the Microbiome
Recent biomedical research has dedicated an extensive amount of attention to the “bugs” that aid us in digestion, the production of vitamins and the fight against virulent pathogens.

How EU Budget Cuts are Threatening the Future of Irish Research
Under the proposed budget cuts, the European Research Council may not be able to award nearly 700 grants for fundamental research.

Are Essay Mills Threatening the Integrity of Academia?
In 2019, Ireland passed the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Amendment Act to tackle a growing trend in academic misconduct driven by essay mills.

The Students on the Other End of the Line
For over 20 years, students have been volunteering for the NiteLine phone and messaging service which students can call free of charge every night of the week.

The Intervarsity Competition That’s Out for Blood
The student-led initiative will pit 13 of Ireland’s universities and colleges against one another in a competition to see which student population can donate the most blood.

From English Studies to Mathematics: How Trinity’s Points Have Changed
A compilation of Trinity's CAO points over the past six years shows just how dramatically points have shot up as a result of the new grading system.

The Blueprints for Trinity’s Long-Awaited Black Studies Module
Academics weigh in on what the new module could, and should, look like when it is launched in Hilary Term.

Mental Health Amid a Pandemic
Students talk about their experiences during the pandemic, and the difficulties they faced.

How TBSI’s PhD Students Handled Lockdown
Some complained of a lack of communication and confusion around lab protocols – all, however, found it a bizarre time.