Northern Irish students on their application to Trinity, their experiences during their time here and the future of Northern Ireland.
By Eleanor O'Mahony
Fear é Dubhghlas de hÍde ar éirigh leis tionchar dosháraithe a imirt ar mhúnlú na tíre. Is anseo i gColáiste na Tríonóide a d’fhoghlaim sé a chuid.
By Jamie Ó Siochrú
From splitting the atom to introducing ways to tackle Alzheimer’s disease, Trinity’s science graduates have had a significant global influence.
By Pamela Avila
The strain that comes with doing independent work in a high-pressure environment such as university means that a PhD can come with a high personal cost.
By Aoife O'Donoghue
Sarah Scales examines the work being done to improve transgender health care education in relation in Trinity.
By Sarah Scales
Sophie Andrews-McCarroll speaks with the archivists behind the project that uncovers a Trinity drastically different from that of 1966 and 2016.
By Sophie Andrews-McCarroll
Ciaran Sunderland investigates some of College's commemorative statues, and the controversy around remembering the famous and infamous dead.
By Ciaran Sunderland
The 16 candidates running in the TCD Panel spoke to The University Times about their motivations for running and shared their take on prominent student issues.
By Charlotte Ryan and Sophie Andrews-McCaroll
Sarah Scales talks to Joel McKeever of the LGBT staff network about providing a safe space for staff in Trinity's already inclusive community.
By Sarah Scales
The new Anglican Chaplain and Dean of Residency, Rvd Steve Brunn, talks to The University Times about student life, ecumenics and his life before Trinity.
By Sophie Andrews McCarroll