
With Jubilant Celebration, Trinity Announced Latest Member of League of European Research Universities
The prestigious organisation's membership now consists of 23 of the best European universities, with today's event marking the importance of Trinity's research.

Camel Urine Central to Potential New Treatments for African Sleeping Sickness, Find Trinity Scientists
Scientists working in the TBSI have found a cure for potentially fatal disease found in sub-Saharan Africa, caused by parasites and spread by flies.

Graduate Students’ Union Votes to Back Student Centre Campaign
TCDSU is campaigning for a student centre to be constructed within the next five years.

In Tight Vote, Graduate Student’s Union Rejects Motion to Endorse Academic Boycott of Israel
A contentious motion, which saw many students abstain, failed to pass at tonight’s meeting of the union’s council.

Green Party Senator Launches TCDSU Environmental Lobby Group
Senator Grace O'Sullivan, who launched the lobby group, called on Trinity to divest from fossil fuels.

“Consensus” on Funding Decision by Next Budget, According to Minister for Education
Speaking to Trinity Young Fine Gael, Bruton appeared to contradict the earlier timeline set out in the Action Plan for Education.

After Council Vote, TCDSU to Campaign Against Fracking in Ireland
In line with the union's mandate to campaign for Trinity to divest from fossil fuels, the union's lobby group will campaign on behalf of students.

TCDSU Vote to Adopt New Agreement on Representation with Trinity’s Graduate Students’ Union
While the agreement needs approval at GSU Council, the presidents of both unions express the importance of co-operation and that attempts have not always been successful.

Trinity and its STEM Researchers Honoured with National Awards
Two Trinity researchers and the Trinity-based AMBER centre were among the recipients of Science Foundation Ireland awards.

Trinity Celebrates 175 Years of Engineering
The celebrations included a lecture from Sir Thomas John Parker, Britain's own Clark Kent, whose speech mirrored Lloyd’s first lecture to engineering students this day 175 years ago.