
Director of Trinity’s New Social Sciences Research Centre Awarded €1.5 million for Europe-Wide Project
The research funding, from the EU's Horizon 2020 fund, was announced at the launch of the new Trinity Research in Social Sciences centre this evening.

Former President of USI Kevin Donoghue Elected Chair of Labour Youth
Kevin Donoghue, who was President of USI last year, said higher education will be one of the organisation's priorities.

TCDSU Lost €30,000 Last Year, Accounts Show
Newly filed accounts show the union posted a loss due to increased spending and a fall in income.

Trinity Signs New Partnership Agreement With Top Vietnamese University
A new agreement with University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, one of Vietnam’s top universities, will see Vietnamese students complete the final two years of their business degree in Trinity.

The Education Project and Extracurriculars: How Trinity is Trying to Recognise Student Achievement
From debating to sport to volunteering, the Trinity Education Project is trying to recognise and facilitate students' extracurricular activities.

University Heads Call for Income-Contingent Loans as Part of "Mixed” Funding Model for Higher Education
The Irish Universities Association were presenting to the Oireachtas Education and Skills Committee as it considers a new funding model for higher education.

New Teaching Fellows to Support Implementation of Trinity Education Project
Six new Fellows have been appointed to oversee the ongoing redevelopment of the university’s undergraduate education.

Former Head of HEA Calls for Reform of “Fractured” Relationship Between Government and Universities
Tom Boland, who resigned as CEO of the HEA in August, told the Royal Irish Academy that it would be the "height of folly" not to address the sector's problems.

25% of Men Aged 15-24 Have Taken Drugs, According to New Report
Launched today by Trinity's Prof Catherine Comiskey, the report also found that the use of ecstasy had increased dramatically over the last four years.

Rejecting Calls for Neutrality, UCD Students Vote Decisively to Retain Union’s Pro-Choice Mandate
64 per cent of voting students voted against a motion that would see the union adopt a neutral stance on abortion.