Trinity Ranked Among Best Irish Workplaces for LGBT Equality
Trinity was placed fifth in “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality” at GLEN’s Workplace Equality Index Awards.
32 per cent of Postgraduate Students Self-Funded, According to College Survey
Trinity’s first annual survey of postgraduate students saw respondents call on Trinity to address the teaching wage of postgraduates.
Trinity Hiring New Project Manager to Explore Accommodation Development in Trinity Hall
There is potential for a new accomodation project to replace the "very low capacity" Cunningham Hall.
Trinity Scientists Provide New Understanding of Body’s Response to Trauma
The new research, by scientists in the TBSI, may contribute to new therapies for inflammatory diseases.
Trinity Excluded from Times Higher Education Rankings, as UCD Falls Outside Top 200
After accidentally submitting incorrect data, Trinity has been excluded from the world rankings.
Business School Budget Increased by €12.5 million
The budget for the long-awaited development – due to be completed by 2018 – will have to be increased to counter rising construction and IT costs.
Compromise on Higher Education Funding Options Possible, Says Minister
In an interview with The University Times, Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton, says that a middle ground on the Cassells report options is possible.
Trinity Scientists Launch New Study to Discover How “Super” Immune System Can Prevent Hepatitis C Infection
There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C, but almost half of the women exposed in an outbreak between 1977 and 1979 showed no signs of infection.
Trinity Still Best In Europe for Graduates Founding Venture-Backed Companies
Trinity is, for the second year in a row, the only European university to feature in the top 50, at 48th in Pitchbook's rankings.
Proposed Oisín House Redesign, with 28 Fewer Beds, Has Received “Positive Reaction”
The original design for the accommodation project was refused permission over scale, with new design one floor shorter.