
Seanad Bye Election Count – Day Two

Neal Manning Withdraws from Editor Bye Election
Manning's withdrawal leaves two candidates, Mairead Maguire and Ailbhe Noonan.

Seanad Bye Election Count
Join us from the Public Theatre as the counting of ballots to replace Ivana Bacik gets underway.

TCDSU Breached USI Anti-War Stance by Supporting Ukraine Protest
A graphic about the protest said that Irish neutrality 'is not an option'.

CSC, TCDSU Fail to Reach Quorum for Respective Meetings
The CSC AGM was due to take place this evening and TCDSU council was scheduled to meet.

Students to Sit Some Leaving Cert Exams in Fifth Year Under Mooted Reforms
Written examinations will be worth no more than 60 per cent of a student's final leaving certificate marks as part of phased changes.

Trinity’s Divestment from Fossil Fuels Still Not Complete
College said last year it would move its investment portfolio into a new, climate-conscious fund by the end of March.

College Left €150m Short for Trinity East by Government
There were no provisions in the National Development Plan for the site, which was being billed as a second campus for Trinity.

Social Work Students Hit Out at New ‘Stressful’ Attendance Tracker
The mobile app keeps a log of how often a student is late to class or misses lectures entirely.

Staff, Students Divided Over Retention of Online Teaching
A survey of staff and students has revealed how both cohorts feel about keeping pandemic-induced changes such as open-book exams.