Leaving Cert to Return to Traditional Format This Year
For the past two years, a calculated grades model has been used due to the pandemic disrupting teaching time.
Cabinet to Consider Cutting Student Fees by up to €1,000
If the government agrees to reduce the student contribution charge, the exact reduction will likely not be decided until the Budget in October.
Leaving Cert Grade Inflation May Lead to College Entry Exams
Last year's blended assessment caused results to soar and college courses to become oversubscribed.
Masks No Longer Required at College Social Events
Face masks will still be mandatory in teaching and learning spaces.
At Science Gallery, Students Protest Closure of a ‘National Treasure’
The gallery will close this weekend while talks continue to find a new funding model.
Science Gallery Must be ‘Totally Re-imagined’ to Survive, Says Provost
The gallery's story is 'not over', Linda Doyle said today, but it has accumulated substantial debt and must be revamped.
Boyd-Barrett: Smaller Boards Will Not Stop ‘Corporatisation’ of Colleges
The Higher Education Authority Bill includes provisions for university governing bodies to have 17 members.
Bacik, Gannon Say Governance Bill Threatens Diversity
The TDs expressed concerns about the new Higher Education Authority Bill in the Dáil this evening.
One in Five Students Have Experienced Attempted Non-Consensual Sex
A new report from the Department of Higher Education has found that one in three female or non-binary students have experienced non-consensual anal, oral or vaginal sex.
Trinity’s ADAPT Centre to Receive Funding from Meta for Privacy Research
Meta, Facebook's parent company, is investing €500,000 in Irish institutions for research projects into privacy protection, data sharing and data governance.