
Football Match Simulator Wins LaunchBox 2021
'Field Of Vision' is a device that enables football fans with visual impairments to experience live football matches.

The Top Five Takeaways from Trinity’s New COVID Restrictions
Provost Linda Doyle emailed students today with details of what College will look like in the coming semester.

One-Metre Social Distancing to be Implemented for Lectures
College has said it is taking a two-phased approach to re-opening campus, with further easing of restrictions planned from November 1st.

In Trinity, Macron Lauds Erasmus as one of EU’s Greatest Achievements
The French president took questions from French and Irish students in Trinity's Exam Hall as part of his state visit to Dublin.

French President Macron to Visit Trinity
He will visit the Long Room and meet students for a discussion spanning a range of topics.

Colleges May Host Pop-Up Vaccination Centres
More than four in five 16 to 29 year olds have registered to get the vaccine.

IUA Urges Students to get Vaccinated Ahead of Return to Lectures
Over 82 per cent of 16-29 year olds have received one dose of the vaccine.

Ability co_op Launches Inclusivity Project for Clubs and Societies
The project aims to support clubs and societies that are inclusive to students with disabilities in Trinity

USI Criticises Late Date of First SUSI Payment
Recipients of the grant will not receive their first stipend payment until October 8th.

Renovations to Half Number of Student Beds in Rubrics
Once refurbishments are complete, the historic building will accommodate nine students - half the number it housed when it was last used for this purpose.