Comment & Analysis

Universities Should Take Nothing for Granted, as Populism Struts on a World Stage
Higher education institutions are not immune to the influence of populism, writes Tom Boland.

Bhain TCDSU Éacht Amach ‘Faoi Dheireadh’ Déardaoin. Ach Níl an Cath Thart
Thogh mic léinn na Tríonóide chun foireann shabóideach go hiomlán baineann den chéad uair riamh.

On Thursday, TCDSU Got a Remarkable ‘Finally’. But The Fight for Women is Not Over
For the first time ever, Trinity students elected an all-female sabbatical officer team.

Tá Pobal na Tríonóide i mBaol le Moladh d’Fhoireann an Choláiste
Tá meas tuillte ar fhoireann neamh-acadúil na Tríonóide, le heolas institiúideach ríluachmhar forbartha acu le blianta.

College’s Contract Staff Proposal Could End up Costing Trinity its Community
Trinity should value non-academic staff, who have built up years’ worth of irreplaceable institutional knowledge.

Student Commuters Are Often Left in the Lurch
The College must improve on-campus student spaces for those who spend hours in Trinity every day due to difficult commutes, writes Cian Crowe.

Feeling the Fear in Final Year
As the end of College draws nearer, final-year students are hit with panic, writes Matthew Murphy.

Should There be Minimum Requirements for Sabbatical Officers?
TCDSU should consider introducing interviews for election candidates, writes Aoife Kearins.

The Practical Case for a Vote to Re-Open Nominations
Students often don't see voting for RON as a legitimate option in uncontested races.

TCDSU Candidates Use the ‘Engagement Problem’ as a Crutch
The issue of student engagement with the union comes up every year and it's rare that candidates provide concrete solutions, writes Matthew Murphy.